Last Friday is a thriller that follows the story of Thomas, a young man ensnared by a mysterious kill list. As death closes in, Thomas must unravel the mystery before it's too late. This project was a significant step in my journey as a filmmaker, allowing me to transfer the skills I learned from industry professionals into a hands-on university experience.

Working closely with the director, I played a key role in the visual storytelling of the film. I was particularly involved in pre-planning the shots for the climactic fight scene, which took place in a dark theatre with minimal lighting. This environment presented a unique challenge that pushed me to think creatively about how to light and capture the scene.

I opted to use the glow of a projector as the primary light source, which not only illuminated the stage but also allowed me to experiment with shadows. This approach created a stark contrast between the characters, enhancing the tension and matching the dark tone of the script. This project deepened my understanding of camera movement, lighting, and how to effectively convey mood through visuals.

Click on the images above to watch the full film.

Last Friday - 2023

Initial mock-up of the final scene

Practice shot of Becky fight scene

Practice shot of Becky death scene